Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Egyptian Tattoos

Egyptian tattoos are very beautiful in nature and with such a variety of artwork to choose from, it can be difficult deciding on simply one design.

Some of the most common Egyptian tattoos include, The eye of Horus (sound eye, Wadjet) which is believed by many to possess power, prosperity, protection and wisdom.

Other popular Egyptian god tattoos include, Hathor the Goddess of love, music, dance and is represented by cow horns and a sundisk on the head. Anubis is know as the god of embalming and is represented by the head of a jackal. Ma'at is known as the goddess of justice and is seen with an ostrich feather in her hair along with winged armed.

Enjoy these beautiful pictures of wonderful tattoo ideas.

Cats were highly regarded by many ancient Egyptians and were better known by the name "mau". Its quite common to see Egyptian themed cat tattoos.

These type of tattoos are seen on various locations of the body, with the back and arms being the most common areas.

Other Egyptian tattoo designs that are quite popular is the Scarab Beetle, which is often seen in the form of an amulet. And of course the very common Ankh (Cross) which is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of ancient Egypt, along with the mysteriously intriguing hieroglyphics.

Coming Along:

Miky has gone back to Italy. It was amazing having him here and I can't wait until he returns to tattoo more Americans. Definitely catch him during his next guest spot. I will be sure to post some pictures of what he did here as soon as I get them.

The shop (finally) has proper furnishings. I still need to decorate, do some more painting, etc. My artists booths are all set up and I've kept one as a permanent guest artist space. If you know an artist looking for a place to do their NYC appointments out of, have them get in touch with me!

Here are a few new pictures...since I haven't JUST been painting walls:


Coming Along:

Miky has gone back to Italy. It was amazing having him here and I can't wait until he returns to tattoo more Americans. Definitely catch him during his next guest spot. I will be sure to post some pictures of what he did here as soon as I get them.

The shop (finally) has proper furnishings. I still need to decorate, do some more painting, etc. My artists booths are all set up and I've kept one as a permanent guest artist space. If you know an artist looking for a place to do their NYC appointments out of, have them get in touch with me!

Here are a few new pictures...since I haven't JUST been painting walls:


Two Segements of Renae's Arm

I spotted a whole lot going on with Renae's left forearm, while browsing at the Chelsea Salvation Army store, so I just had to ask.

Let's deconstruct:

The first part of this tattoo is the dark heart on the inner part of the forearm. Renae attributes this to Rob at the Orlando branch of Hart and Huntington. In over three years of inkspotting, this is the first piece on Tattoosday that has been credited to one of their shops.

Renae, who has "no idea" how many tattoos she has (which is synonymous for "too many to count"), wanted to add to her arm, so she headed to Brooklyn Ink in Bay Ridge.

Alex Franklin was given free reign, according to Renae. Her exact quote was "use your imagination and run," which must be music to many a tattooists ears.

Alex did the flourishes around the original tattoo, along with the phrase "gutta cavat lapidem," a Latin phrase by Ovid which translates to "dripping water hollows out a stone," which is a shortened version of the line "Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence." This quote is known to many New Yorkers who have seen it inscribed underground here (with a broader description here).

And he tattooed the piece on the other side of the arm:

Work from Brooklyn Ink (and a lot by Alex) has appeared previously on Tattoosday here.

Thanks to Renae for sharing her tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Eagle Tattoos

As we mentioned before, if you are an animal lover and seeking a bird tattoo of any type, you are in for a treat, because bird tattoos are hands down some of the most captivatingly beautiful works of art on the market.

Not surprisingly eagle tattoos are perhaps the most common of all bird designs, which comes naturally for those of us in America, when you consider that eagles go hand in hand with the American flag and are symbolic of freedom, prosperity and patriotism towards the United States.

Enjoy this picture gallery of fantastic eagle artwork which will most certainly help you come up with a few ideas.

The most common location for an eagle tattoo includes the back, chest, bicep and calf area.

As for the details of the actual design, it seems that many people like to have the eagle donning open wings to appear in flight or perhaps swooping or striking its prey.

Some people choose to combined multiple designs into one piece of art, however unlike many other tattoo ideas, an eagle is such a prominently beautiful creature they look exceptionally bold as a stand along piece of artwork.

Sleeve Tattoos For Girls

Clearly there is not limit in the range of designs a girl can choose from when selecting a sleeve tattoo, however we've determined that the most common sleeve tattoos for women often include flowers, sometimes as the centerpiece or perhaps to complement a larger design.

Green vegetation sleeve tattoo idea for women.
Large flower and peacock idea.
Colorful artwork with four leaf clovers.
Nautical star with large rose.
Youthful toy inspired art.
Bright cosmic design picture.

Sleeve Tattoos For Girls

Clearly there is not limit in the range of designs a girl can choose from when selecting a sleeve tattoo, however we've determined that the most common sleeve tattoos for women often include flowers, sometimes as the centerpiece or perhaps to complement a larger design.

Green vegetation sleeve tattoo idea for women.
Large flower and peacock idea.
Colorful artwork with four leaf clovers.
Nautical star with large rose.
Youthful toy inspired art.
Bright cosmic design picture.

Quarter Sleeve Tattoos

The quarter sleeve tattoo is a partial design which starts at the top of the shoulder and usually extends to just above the bicep area. And despite these shorter sleeve designs being rather small in size, they really pack a punch, as you can includes several smaller tattoo designs within this compact quarter sleeve.
Skull and flowers quarter idea.
Aztec inspired quarter tattoo.
Voodoo skull and vegetation art.
Japanese dragon and crystal ball idea.
Koi fish and water artwork.